
Saturday, August 29, 2020

Online Safety Tips

Wow, being stuck home in this pandemic COVID-19 has given me more free time away from "important" things to check up on ALL my forgotten things, such as this blog! Time flies like an arrow.....whheeeeee went past me and it seems like only yesterday I was here. 

So, with everyone staying away from each other, with mandatory lockdowns in certain countries and locations, how have we been keeping up?

Well, if you are like me, you would probably be stuck in front of your PC, iPad, iPhone, and mobiles Zooming, Facebooking and You Tubing lots. With everyone heading towards being online to stay connected, have you done any online safety checks to ensure that you and your loved ones are surfing safely, and not exposing private and sensitive information about yourself and your family online?

Just months ago, my son was hit by a phishing mail and in his morning drowsiness, he clicked on the link and entered his email and password to try to log in a few times before he woke up and realised what was happening. Of course, he took quick actions to correct the matter, and we hope his identity has not been successfully stolen for misuse.

So what can we do to reduce our risks and be safe on the internet? Well, here are some online safety tips that we should practice and teach our kids:

1. Passwords

  • Make sure it is not to use your birthdate, home address or mobile number which may be easily guessed by people who have access to this information.
  • Ensure you have different and unique passwords for every online account you have. This is to ensure that if you get hacked in one account, it makes it harder to access all your other known online accounts. If you need to, get a password manager app to help you remember your passwords.
  • Never share your password with another, not even your best friend! Nothing is permanent, and your best friend may turn to be the worst enemy in the future!
  • Ensure you stow your passwords in a safe place.
2. Your Personal Details

Identity thieves love your full name, birthdate, driver's license, ID and social security numbers, bank credentials, family member details, phone numbers and everything else they can get a hold of about you. So whatever you do online, never reveal more information than necessary to fulfil your purpose online, especially on social media platforms. Which brings me to my third point.

3. Private May Not Be Private

Almost all websites, online apps, social media platforms collect information for advertising and marketing purpose. Even if your settings are set to Private, it may not be absolutely private. Law enforcement and website administrators can have access to the information that you provided, and hackers or cyber trolls may find ways to access this information too. So once again, less is always best. Only provide the minimum information required. Don't list your sensitive information anywhere online that can leave a digital footprint. Sensitive information includes the names and relationship listing of family members, friends, when you are going for a holiday, where you live, etc. Just about anything that may be useful for someone with a criminal mind to piece together a plot.

4. Don't Keep Multiple Accounts

Sometimes we create multiple online accounts for different purposes, and then we forget about them. If you do not use the account anymore, CLOSE them. Keeping them may leave traces of data that cybercriminals may patch together and steal information from other sites that the same individual uses.

5. Pay Attention to the Messages and Mails you are getting and Identical Looking Sites

Learn to recognise phishing and scams so that you do not click on a URL that is supposedly from a trusted organization (banks, airlines, tax office, etc) or a friend. I found two post that gives some real world phishing examples and how to recognize them and how to identify compromised sites.

6. Keep your Social Network Secure

Social media platforms are a haven for cybercriminals. On top of not revealing more than necessary set up information on your social media accounts, ensure you set up a high level of security and privacy settings. Keep a close eye on your accounts and if you hear from someone who has not contacted you for a while, or it looks suspicious; do practice caution. Your friend's account may have been hacked.

7. Security Protection for your Devices and Online Activities

Invest in a trustworthy security software or program that protects your devices and online activities. Such software often warns you of danger or a breach. Also remember to download the latest updates for your apps, devices and security software. 

I hope with these tips, we can all be in a safer environment while surfing and social networking as we do our part in staying home. Keep safe, keep well and above all keep sane.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

SS2 Win Soon Cafe's Tasty Fish Head Noodle

Ok. Just a short note here. I am back and here is my first 2014 blog - Had really yummy delicious fish head noodle last night and I just have to share it.

Win Soon Cafe located in 23, SS2/67, Petaling Jaya 47300, Selangor, Malaysia.

The fish head mee hoon with milk went above my expectation. Specially requested for only fish head parts and they were fried to perfection - crispy and crunchy that even the bones were edible. The sambal belacan chilli looked watery but the taste of belacan was strong and yummy and it did not dissapoint.

I highly recommend giving this cafe a try if you love your fish head noodle and am fussy like me!

Friday, April 12, 2013

What Malaysian Voters Must Know for Malaysia GE13 Polling Day 5th May 2013

With the GE13 Polling date announced on Wednesday 10th April, I guess most Malaysians were excited and relieved that the date is finally set. As we prepare for the day and decide who we want to vote for, we need to ensure our names are in the electoral roll.

Malaysian citizen who has reached 21 years old is eligible to vote and should register as a voter.

Register As A Voter:
1. Through the Post Offices
  • Ibu Pejabat SPR Malaysia
    Tingkat Bawah, Blok C7, Kompleks C
    Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan
    62690 Putrajaya
    Tel: +603-88856686
3. SPR State Offices
4. Representative of Political Parties (new registration only). It will take about three months to six months to be gazetted.

Recently, overseas Malaysians may register as postal voters. According to Election Commission of Malaysia, Suruhan Pilihan Raya (SPR), Malaysians staying abroad can apply to be postal voters as long as they are already registered voters and had been in Malaysia for not less than 30 days in the last five years before dissolution of Parliament.
However, when this came into affect, the EC announced it a bit late. As a result, only 6,298 out of 700,000 overseas Malaysians have registered, which is rather disappointing.
To register for future elections as an overseas postal voter, use Form1B from SPR website:
1. Download Form 1B.
2. Complete the form and return to SPR by fax, post or email.
  • You must be a registered voter. If you are not and you are overseas, please proceed to the Malaysian mission overseas (including embassies, consulates-general, high commissions, the Malaysian Friendship and Trade Centre in Taipei and the Malaysian Permanent Mission to the United Nations in Geneva) to register as a voter.
  • If you are registered as a postal vote, you will be unable to vote in person in Malaysia.

Check Your Voting Information:
2. Type your new IC Number and click "SEMAK".
3. You may print a copy of the check for safekeeping and to bring with you on polling day as proof of your polling centre.
4. Below find a sample of check result:

On Polling Day 5th May 2013 (What all Voters MUST know)

1. Located within 50 metres zone, there will be Barung Agent to verify voters are in the correct polling centre and direct them to the correct Polling Stream according to Electoral Roll.

2. Electoral Roll Checking Clerk will give voters their nombor bilangan and the Tempat Mengundi / Saluran (Polling Stream, usually its the classroom if polling is in schools).

3. Voter enters Polling Stream & goes to SPR (EC) Clerk 1, who will check Voter's hands (to ensure no indelible ink), verifies IC, reads out Voter's No. Bilangan, IC No. & name from MyKad (not Electoral Roll).

4. SPR Clerk 2 marks indelible ink on Voter's left index finger. The indelible ink takes up to 30 seconds to dry under UV light. As the ink will be applied in the room (where UV light is limited), it may take longer than 30 seconds to dry. The ink will be applied before you are handed the ballot paper. Please be careful that you do not mark or spoil your ballot with accidental smearing of the ink onto the ballot paper.
Note: Electoral stain is used as a good security feature to prevent double voting in elections. Ink is normally applied to the left hand index finger, especially to the cuticle where it is almost impossible to remove quickly. The finger should be left to dry for 15–30 seconds and exposed to light before being cleaned to ensure the mark remains visible for the desired length of time. (extract from wikipedia)

5. SPR Clerk 3 tears Ballot Paper from Ballot Book, then rubber stamp Ballot Paper, folds and hand it over to Voter.
Note: It is not necessary to request random ballot paper. (Voter may try but if rejected, DO NOT argue or else be labeled as trouble maker and will be disqualified from voting). The SPR can no longer trace the serial number to voter because in the past, the clerk writes the serial number taken next to voter's name. The only way SPR can trace voter is if it installs video camera in every polling stream, this is not feasible and possible. In By-election, yes, video cams are installed because by-election is very small and only a few polling stream or saluran or classrooms.

6. Voter goes to polling booth to cast vote. Mark an "X" in the empty box to the right  of the chosen  candidate's symbol.

7. Voter folds the ballot paper in half vertically and then folds in half again horizontally (to ensure secrecy of ballot) and drops casted vote into ballot box and leaves. Ensure that the correct slip is placed in the ballot box, i.e. Parliament Seat & State Seat (unless Wilayah where there is no State Seat).

General Note:
  • SPR Clerk 2 also does SPR Clerk 1's tasks if queue is too long, e.g. more than 20 waiting voters.
  • If Voter finds any marking or accidental smearing of indelible ink on ballot paper, request to change ballot paper. It is not necessary to bring eraser to erase or rub off the marks on the ballot paper. 
What NOT TO DO or you may be disqualified from voting:
  • DO NOT wear any t-shirt or clothing that depicts a party's logo.
  • DO NOT cause commotion or behave in an unruly manner.
I hope you have found this informative. Please share so that all Malaysians are informed about their rights as a voter, and the procedures of Malaysia's GE Polling Day.

All Malaysians, Let's Be Part Of A Better Change!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Hair Beauty Tips from the Kitchen!

It is a wonder that our kitchen has most of what we can use to beautify ourselves without the need of spending much. Does your hair break easily every time you comb? Have you been coloring or blow drying your hair excessively? Want softer and more manageable hair?

Here are some tips you may like to try out in the comfort of your own home. You can  even have a little girlfriend party for extra fun! It takes only a fraction of the time you spend at salon, and saves a big heap in your pocket.

Damage and Weak Hair Follicles 
Eggs are rich in fatty acids and protein

To help strengthen and repair damaged hair follicles, use eggs. Eggs contain protein and fatty acids that not only strengthen and moisturize your locks, but they also give your hair extra shine and body boost.
1. Beat a couple of eggs in a bowl and use it as a conditioner after shampooing. 
2. Leave the egg mixture in your hair for a couple of minutes, then rinse completely with luke warm or cold water.
or if you don't like the eggy smell on your hair:
1. Beat a couple of eggs (or enough eggs for the length of your hair).
2. Massage into dry hair.
3. Leave for 15 minutes (use a shower cap to prevent mess), then shampoo off with luke-warm  or cold water.

Hair Loss
Potassium rich bananas

For stronger hair, and to prevent hair loss, try bananas. Bananas are rich in potassium. You may find potassium in hair care products that intended for topical use  to prevent and treat balding.
1. Mash a ripe banana into smooth puree. 
2. Massage into your hair and scalp.
3. Leave for about 15 minutes, then shampoo off.

Coarse Hair
Emulsion of oil, egg yolk and and lemon juice

To soften your locks to have more manageable hair, try mayonnaise.
1. Apply a cup or enough mayo to dry hair.
2. Massage into scalp.
3. Leave for 15 minute and shampoo off. 

Dry Hair
Maple syrup made from xylem sap of maple trees

Moisturize your hair instantly by using maple syrup. Ensure you use high quality/real  maple syrup and not the maple syrup that contains high-fructose corn syrup stuff.
1. Pour maple syrup directly onto dry hair.
2. Use a shower cap to hold hair and syrup for about 15 to 20 minutes.
3. Rinse off with warm water.

Dry Brittle Hair
Olive oil

To moisturize and strengthen your hair, try olive oil.
1. Warm 1/2 cup of olive oil.
2. Apply to damp hair.
3. Wrap with plastic foil/wrap or use a shower cap.
4. Leave for 20 minutes to one hour.
5. Shampoo off completely.

Flyaway hair
Use olive oil to smoothen flyaway hair immediately. Rub some olive oil on the palms of your hand and smooth over ends of hair.

Final note:
Your hair grows about 1/4 to 1/2 inch every month. To ensure new growth is healthy, it is important that your diet is healthy and balanced. Here are some of the food that you may consume for healthier hair and body!
1. Salmon (omega 3 fatty acids , vitamin B12 and iron)
2. Dark green vegetables (vitamins A and C)
3. Legume/beans (iron, zinc and biotin)
4. Nuts (omega 3 fatty acids, selenium and zinc)
5. White meat - chicken, turkey or pork (protein) 
6. Eggs (protein and fatty acids)
7. Carrots (vitamin A) for healthy scalp
8. Low fat diary products (whey and casein, high quality protein source)
9. Oysters (zinc)
10. Whole grains (zinc, iron and vitamin Bs)
11. Red Meat - beef and lamb (zinc and iron)


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bersih 3.0 video - the truth

A Bersih 3.0 video by DAP - I am posting it because even if DAP is a political party in Malaysia, I see the video as something informative revealing the truth with no political issues in which, ALL political parties in Malaysia must take note to the fact that BERSIH is a NGO that only wants fair and clean election  for MALAYSIA!

Salute to Ms Ambiga for leading BERSIH and making Malaysians care!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to protect the secrecy of your vote for GE13 Malaysia

Most Malaysian citizens are probably looking forward to the GE13 to vote and make a difference. With Bersih trying to clean up the election acts and loads of independent such as Tindak Malaysia, Jom Pantau PRU13 - KOMAS, MAFREL, NIEI coming in to educate and monitor, we are hoping the rakyat of Malaysia will know what they can and cannot do during the election day.

One of the GE13 Voting Tips, which I posted in May - (Tip 2) is now updated as follows (refer Tindak Malaysia):

1. In order to prevent a voter from ensuring the secrecy of his vote, the SPR wants to insist upon issuing the ballot paper by sequence. They have sought the advice of the Attorney General and this is the advice given to them apparently:

"The Presiding Officer shall refuse the Voter's request for a random paper and if he protest, to evict him from the polling station. Let them go to court to challenge the Presiding Officer's decision."

What is the strategy behind this?

1. To inflict fear in the voter about the secrecy of their vote.
2. To reduce the votes of voters deemed to be trouble-makers.

What can you do?
If the Presiding Officer refuses to issue the ballot paper randomly, don't protest. Just accept the paper issued and VOTE ACCORDING TO YOUR CONSCIENCE!
Note down the name of the Presiding Officer and immediately lodge a report against him for violating the secrecy of your vote.

Pass a copy of the report to:
o the Candidate you support,
o Email one copy to JOM PANTAU -
o and to :

For more info go to

United, let's make a change for the better!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Voting Tips For GE13

I went to Jom Pantau on 26th May, Saturday to see if I could learn more about how elections are run in Malaysia, and maybe volunteer as an observer of election happenings. As far as I know, Jom Pantau is a non political organization that observes elections and educates the people of their voting rights so that real democracy continues to exist. It was certainly an informative day as 4 presentations were given on different topics in relation to elections by different speakers from various organizations.
The most important points that I got out of the workshop are our rights to vote and how we may protect our votes. So I am going to share them with you here in hope that our votes are protected and counted successfully.
At present:
Register to be a voter, or if you are already registered, check your voter status and confirm you are registered. You may do so by two ways:
(i) Online: - Print a copy of your confirmation slip and safekeep the slip. If your status is not available during the a status check a few days before polling day, or not available in the list at the polling centre on polling day, I suppose you may use your print out confirmation slip to insist on your right as a registered citizen to vote.
(ii) SMS: SPR<space>semak<space>new IC No, and send it to 15888.

 These tips are provided by Tindak Malaysia:
A few days before polling day:
1. Please check your voter status online or via SMS.
2. Find out and ensure you know the location of your polling centre.
3. Make sure you remember your chosen candidate's name and party logo.

On polling/election day:
1. Ensure you do not display any party logo or candidate's name or image on your clothing or any document or items you bring to the polling centre. It is an offence to campaign on the polling day, and you may be accused of campaigning.

2. Your vote is protected by the Election Laws. To guarantee secrecy of your vote, RANDOMIZE your ballot paper. Here is what you can do:

  • The SPR clerk will give you the top ballot paper. Each ballot paper has a serial number. It is possible to match your name to the serial number. Doing this is an offence under Section 5. Maintenance of secrecy at elections of the Election Offences Act 1954. 
  • Ask the SPR clerk to give you another ballot paper from the same booklet. Say: "Encik/Puan, saya minta kertas undi yang lain dari bawah." If necessary, keep on saying: "Saya mahu pastikan yang undi saya adalah rahsia." 
  • If the clerk refuses, tell the clerk that anyone who violates Section 5 can face the penalty of either up to 1 year imprisonment, or up to RM3,000 fine, or both. The polling agent will help you. 
 3. Check the ballot paper you receive is clean (no marks or writing), not torn, clearly perforated and has a serial number. If any of the conditions are not met, immediately ask for a new ballot paper.

4. At the voting booth, mark an "X" clearly inside the right hand box next to the name of the candidate you are voting for. Please ensure the "X" is written inside the box and not out of the box.

The power is in the rakyat's hand - so ensure you are registered and vote wisely for the candidate you believe will do the job of upholding the integrity and successful growth of Malaysia!