
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bersih Rally 3.0

Once again , Bersih with its continuing work is holding another rally (Bersih Rally 3.0) to demonstrate that Malaysians DO WANT a clean election. All the more so, with allegations circulating revealing that foreigners are given MYKAD with an expiry date. It is amazing that most of the new registered "rakyat" are mostly with Selangor address, and the federal government and EC has yet to answer to that with true transparency and public publishing of the report. The nation is surely not getting the transparency from the BN government about this through local medias. It is a shame that instead of focusing on truly ridding corruption and dictatorship, the federal government seems to be seen as using all means to ensure a win in the coming election. The most common reasons given for not approving the Bersih Rally 3.0 is safety and traffic congestion. Although this time, the government has approved two other venues for this rally, most Malaysians are convinced that if the venue was moved, some other reason would come in at the eleventh hour as to why the changed venue would be disapproved, as one of the alternative venue (Stadium Merdeka) offered this year was actually disapproved last year citing BERSIH as an illegal entity. Dataran Merdeka is a perfect place for the peaceful rally as it is what MERDEKA is all about!
It is truly a shame the federal government has not been walking their talk sincerely since the political tsunami landslide when the opposition almost took over the country.
I believe the rakyat do not care which party rules the country, be it the federal government or the opposition. What we do care is for a party that will govern the country fairly and bring Malaysia to a better future for ALL. Most of the participants who WILL GO AHEAD for the BERSIH RALLY 3.0 this Saturday 28th April 2012 will be peace-loving rakyats, and I do hope that the Police Commissioner will remember that before taking actions as they did in the Bersih Rally 2.0 - Protect the rakyat for a peaceful rally; not block and create violence, then blame it on the organizers. Learn from other nations where rallies are common, and the police forces do their jobs right in upholding the law and protecting the citizens as they should for a peaceful event.
BERSIH is for the people of Malaysia, who wants a clean election and a better future:

Clean the electoral roll
-          Reform postal ballot
-          Use of indelible ink
-          Minimum 21 days campaign period
-          Free and fair access to media
-          Strengthen public institutions
-          Stop corruption
-          Stop dirty politics
Education and Economic Plan for the minority
-          Abolish the PTPTN higher education loan fund
-          Set up a ministry for minority groups
-          New economic plan for minority groups
-          Free and equal education for all

BERSIH is not a political group and the people who support the cause of BERSIH truly believes we need a change for the better, and we hope that any political parties who wants to rule remember this as well. Please support BERSIH not as part of a political agenda but as a way to the truth and a clean country.

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